Our current terms of business are applicable as and from the 1 December 2023. For previous versions please contact us and we will email you the appropriate previous version. If you have any questions about any of the terms of business you should raise these with our compliance officer who will be only too happy to assist.
Everyone who instructs us must provide us with proof of identity by way of photo ID and also with a document from an official body showing your name and address on it. For corporate clients a copy of the certificate of incorporation and proof of the identity of the individuals of that organisation is required. If you are applying for legal aid or legal advice and assistance we require we require the most recent proof of your income (for instance pay-slip, last set of business accounts, letter from DWP, bank statement showing pay ins and so on) so that the Scottish Legal Aid Board can be satisfied about financial eligibility on income, and also a copy of bank statements bank books, post office accounts etc, showing your capital so that the Scottish Legal Aid Board can be satisfied about capital eligibility.